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11231 - 11240 of 13135 for STATISTICSSearch Results
The shortest circular sequence of length sigma^n such that every string of length n on the alphabet a of size sigma occurs as a contiguous subrange of the sequence described ...
The de Longchamps point L is the reflection of the orthocenter H about the circumcenter O of a triangle. It has triangle center function alpha=cosA-cosBcosC, (1) and is ...
A graph is k-edge-connected if there does not exist a set of k-1 edges whose removal disconnects the graph (Skiena 1990, p. 177). The maximum edge connectivity of a given ...
The first of the Hardy-Littlewood conjectures. The k-tuple conjecture states that the asymptotic number of prime constellations can be computed explicitly. In particular, ...
The nth root (or "nth radical") of a quantity z is a value r such that z=r^n, and therefore is the inverse function to the taking of a power. The nth root is denoted ...
The series h_q(-r)=sum_(n=1)^infty1/(q^n+r) (1) for q an integer other than 0 and +/-1. h_q and the related series Ln_q(-r+1)=sum_(n=1)^infty((-1)^n)/(q^n+r), (2) which is a ...
The van Aubel line is the line in the plane of a reference triangle that connects the orthocenter H and symmedian point K, and symmedian point of the orthic triangle. The ...
Given an arbitrary planar quadrilateral, place a square outwardly on each side, and connect the centers of opposite squares. Then van Aubel's theorem states that the two ...
van der Waerden's theorem is a theorem about the existence of arithmetic progressions in sets. The theorem can be stated in four equivalent forms. 1. If N=C_1 union C_2 union ...
