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141 - 150 of 963 for Regular OctahdronSearch Results
The circumradius of a cyclic polygon is a radius of the circle inside which the polygon can be inscribed. Similarly, the circumradius of a polyhedron is the radius of a ...
The Conway-Smith graph is a distance-transitive graph on 63 vertices having intersection array {10,6,4,1;1,2,6,10} (Hall 1980). It is also distance-transitive. It is denoted ...
A quasiregular polyhedron is the solid region interior to two dual regular polyhedra with Schläfli symbols {p,q} and {q,p}. Quasiregular polyhedra are denoted using a ...
An algorithm originally described by Barnsley in 1988. Pick a point at random inside a regular n-gon. Then draw the next point a fraction r of the distance between it and a ...
In general, a tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four sides. If all faces are congruent, the tetrahedron is known as an isosceles tetrahedron. If all faces are congruent to an ...
At least one power series solution will be obtained when applying the Frobenius method if the expansion point is an ordinary, or regular, singular point. The number of roots ...
A hosohedron is a regular tiling or map on a sphere composed of p digons or spherical lunes, all with the same two vertices and the same vertex angles, 2pi/p. Its Schläfli ...
Let M subset R^3 be a regular surface and u_(p) a unit tangent vector to M, and let Pi(u_(p),N(p)) be the plane determined by u_(p) and the normal to the surface N(p). Then ...
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be parabolic if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 but S(p)!=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, exactly one of ...
A point p on a regular surface M in R^3 is said to be planar if the Gaussian curvature K(p)=0 and S(p)=0 (where S is the shape operator), or equivalently, both of the ...