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Let three similar isosceles triangles DeltaA^'BC, DeltaAB^'C, and DeltaABC^' be constructed on the sides of a triangle DeltaABC. Then DeltaABC and DeltaA^'B^'C^' are ...
A graph is claw-free iff it does not contain the complete bipartite graph K_(1,3) (known as the "claw graph"; illustrated above) as a forbidden induced subgraph. The line ...
Let sigma_1, ..., sigma_4 be four planes in general position through a point P and let P_(ij) be a point on the line sigma_i·sigma_j. Let sigma_(ijk) denote the plane ...
In the above figure, let E be the intersection of AD and BC and specify that AB∥EF∥CD. Then 1/(AB)+1/(CD)=1/(EF). A beautiful related theorem due to H. Stengel can be stated ...
The Euclidean metric is the function d:R^n×R^n->R that assigns to any two vectors in Euclidean n-space x=(x_1,...,x_n) and y=(y_1,...,y_n) the number ...
Due to Euler's prolific output, there are a great number of theorems that are know by the name "Euler's theorem." A sampling of these are Euler's displacement theorem for ...
Let a space curve have line elements ds_N, ds_T, and ds_B along the normal, tangent, and binormal vectors respectively, then ds_N^2=ds_T^2+ds_B^2, (1) where ds_N^2 = ...
A topological space is locally connected at the point x if every neighborhood of x contains a connected open neighborhood. It is called locally connected if it is locally ...
Starting with the circle P_1 tangent to the three semicircles forming the arbelos, construct a chain of tangent circles P_i, all tangent to one of the two small interior ...
The Steiner circumellipse is the circumellipse that is the isotomic conjugate of the line at infinity and the isogonal conjugate of the Lemoine axis. It has circumconic ...
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