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161 - 170 of 622 for Quadratic InvariantSearch Results

Consider a quadratic equation x^2-sx+p=0 where s and p denote signed lengths. The circle which has the points A=(0,1) and B=(s,p) as a diameter is then called the Carlyle ...
A general class of means introduced by Italian mathematician Oscar Chisini (pronounced keeseenee) in 1929. Given a function of n variables f(x_1,...,x_n), the Chisini mean of ...
Let a cone of opening parameter c and vertex at (0,0,0) intersect a sphere of radius r centered at (x_0,y_0,z_0), with the cone oriented such that its axis does not pass ...
A set of quadratic surfaces which share foci. Ellipsoids and one- and two-sheeted hyperboloids can be confocal. These three types of surfaces can be combined to form an ...
A differential k-form omega of degree p in an exterior algebra ^ V is decomposable if there exist p one-forms alpha_i such that omega=alpha_1 ^ ... ^ alpha_p, (1) where alpha ...
A cone with elliptical cross section. The parametric equations for an elliptic cone of height h, semimajor axis a, and semiminor axis b are x = a(h-u)/hcosv (1) y = ...
An elliptic cylinder is a cylinder with an elliptical cross section. The elliptic cylinder is a quadratic ruled surface. The parametric equations for the laterals sides of an ...
A general space based on the line element ds=F(x^1,...,x^n;dx^1,...,dx^n), with F(x,y)>0 for y!=0 a function on the tangent bundle T(M), and homogeneous of degree 1 in y. ...
A root-finding algorithm which makes use of a third-order Taylor series f(x)=f(x_n)+f^'(x_n)(x-x_n)+1/2f^('')(x_n)(x-x_n)^2+.... (1) A root of f(x) satisfies f(x)=0, so 0 ...
A Hermitian form on a vector space V over the complex field C is a function f:V×V->C such that for all u,v,w in V and all a,b in R, 1. f(au+bv,w)=af(u,w)+bf(v,w). 2. ...
