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The Dedekind psi-function is defined by the divisor product psi(n)=nproduct_(p|n)(1+1/p), (1) where the product is over the distinct prime factors of n, with the special case ...
The residue classes of a function f(x) mod n are all possible values of the residue f(x) (mod n). For example, the residue classes of x^2 (mod 6) are {0,1,3,4}, since 0^2=0 ...
Given the sum-of-factorials function Sigma(n)=sum_(k=1)^nk!, SW(p) is the smallest integer for p prime such that Sigma[SW(p)] is divisible by p. If pSigma(n) for all n<p, ...
The Riemann zeta function is an extremely important special function of mathematics and physics that arises in definite integration and is intimately related with very deep ...
The Paley graph of order q with q a prime power is a graph on q nodes with two nodes adjacent if their difference is a square in the finite field GF(q). This graph is ...
A finite simple group of Lie-type. The following table summarizes the types of twisted Chevalley groups and their respective orders. In the table, q denotes a prime power and ...
Fermat's last theorem is a theorem first proposed by Fermat in the form of a note scribbled in the margin of his copy of the ancient Greek text Arithmetica by Diophantus. The ...
Expansion is an affine transformation (sometimes called an enlargement or dilation) in which the scale is increased. It is the opposite of a geometric contraction, and is ...
A Fourier series in which there are large gaps between nonzero terms a_n or b_n.
A spectrum formed by the Lagrange numbers. The only ones less than three are the Lagrange numbers, but the last gaps end at Freiman's constant. Real numbers larger than ...
