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4941 - 4950 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

Given a polynomial p(x)=a_nx^n+a_(n-1)x^(n-1)+...+a_1x+a_0 (1) of degree n with roots alpha_i, i=1, ..., n and a polynomial q(x)=b_mx^m+b_(m-1)x^(m-1)+...+b_1x+b_0 (2) of ...
A Riemann surface is a surface-like configuration that covers the complex plane with several, and in general infinitely many, "sheets." These sheets can have very complicated ...
The usual number of scalar operations (i.e., the total number of additions and multiplications) required to perform n×n matrix multiplication is M(n)=2n^3-n^2 (1) (i.e., n^3 ...
There are many unsolved problems in mathematics. Some prominent outstanding unsolved problems (as well as some which are not necessarily so well known) include 1. The ...
A board covered by a lattice of pegs around which one can span rubber bands to form segments and polygons. It was invented by the Egyptian mathematician and pedagogist Caleb ...
The Doob graph D(m,n) is the graph given by the graph Cartesian product of m>=1 copies of the Shrikhande graph with a Hamming graph H(n,4). Doob graphs are distance-regular ...
A shortest path between two graph vertices (u,v) of a graph (Skiena 1990, p. 225). There may be more than one different shortest paths, all of the same length. Graph ...
An integral embedding of a graph, not to be confused with an integral graph, is a graph drawn such that vertices are distinct points and all graph edges have integer lengths. ...
A finite simple connected graph G is quadratically embeddable if its quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) is nonpositive, i.e., QEC(G)<=0. A graph being quadratically ...
Let G be a finite, connected, undirected graph with graph diameter d(G) and graph distance d(u,v) between vertices u and v. A radio labeling of a graph G is labeling using ...
