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4831 - 4840 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results

Petersson considered the absolutely converging Dirichlet L-series phi(s)=product_(p)1/(1-c(p)p^(-s)+p^(2k-1)p^(-2s)). (1) Writing the denominator as ...
The representation, beloved of engineers and physicists, of a complex number in terms of a complex exponential x+iy=|z|e^(iphi), (1) where i (called j by engineers) is the ...
Let f(x) be integrable in [-1,1], let (1-x^2)f(x) be of bounded variation in [-1,1], let M^' denote the least upper bound of |f(x)(1-x^2)| in [-1,1], and let V^' denote the ...
A piecewise linear function is a function composed of some number of linear segments defined over an equal number of intervals, usually of equal size. For example, consider ...
A group theoretic operation which is useful in the study of complex atomic spectra. A plethysm takes a set of functions of a given symmetry type {mu} and forms from them ...
The Poisson sum formula is a special case of the general result sum_(-infty)^inftyf(x+n)=sum_(k=-infty)^inftye^(2piikx)int_(-infty)^inftyf(x^')e^(-2piikx^')dx^' (1) with x=0, ...
A polar zonohedron is a convex zonohedron derived from the star which joins opposite vertices of any right n-gonal prism (for n even) or antiprism (for n odd). The faces of ...
The (signed) area of a planar non-self-intersecting polygon with vertices (x_1,y_1), ..., (x_n,y_n) is A=1/2(|x_1 x_2; y_1 y_2|+|x_2 x_3; y_2 y_3|+...+|x_n x_1; y_n y_1|), ...
For a polynomial P=sum_(k=0)^na_kz^k, (1) several classes of norms are commonly defined. The l_p-norm is defined as ||P||_p=(sum_(k=0)^n|a_k|^p)^(1/p) (2) for p>=1, giving ...
The differential equation describing exponential growth is (dN)/(dt)=rN. (1) This can be integrated directly int_(N_0)^N(dN)/N=int_0^trdt (2) to give ln(N/(N_0))=rt, (3) ...
