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3961 - 3970 of 8770 for Point Line Distance 3 DimensionalSearch Results
Two variates A and B are statistically independent iff the conditional probability P(A|B) of A given B satisfies P(A|B)=P(A), (1) in which case the probability of A and B is ...
Let f(x) be a real entire function of the form f(x)=sum_(k=0)^inftygamma_k(x^k)/(k!), (1) where the gamma_ks are positive and satisfy Turán's inequalities ...
A joint distribution function is a distribution function D(x,y) in two variables defined by D(x,y) = P(X<=x,Y<=y) (1) D_x(x) = lim_(y->infty)D(x,y) (2) D_y(y) = ...
Approximations to Khinchin's constant include K = -(ln85181832)/(tan8) (1) = 1/(29)sqrt(6065) (2) = 6-sqrt(ln59055) (3) = 18^(27/79), (4) which are correct to 9, 7, 6, and 5 ...
Let Q_i denote anything subject to weighting by a normalized linear scheme of weights that sum to unity in a set W. The Kolmogorov axioms state that 1. For every Q_i in W, ...
Given a function of the form y=a+blnx, (1) the coefficients can be found from least squares fitting as b = ...
Lehmer's formula is a formula for the prime counting function, pi(x) = (1) where |_x_| is the floor function, a = pi(x^(1/4)) (2) b = pi(x^(1/2)) (3) b_i = pi(sqrt(x/p_i)) ...
The links curve is the quartic curve given by the Cartesian equation (x^2+y^2-3x)^2=4x^2(2-x). (1) The area enclosed by the outer envelope is A_(envelope)=1/6(9pi+8) (2) and ...
Let p be prime and r = r_mp^m+...+r_1p+r_0 (0<=r_i<p) (1) k = k_mp^m+...+k_1p+k_0 (0<=k_i<p), (2) then (r; k)=product_(i=0)^m(r_i; k_i) (mod p). (3) This is proved in Fine ...
The radical circle of the McCay circles has center (1) which is not a Kimberling center, and radius (2) where (3) Its circle function is (4) where (5) which is also does not ...
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