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281 - 290 of 371 for Permutation combinationsSearch Results
A doubly stochastic matrix is a matrix A=(a_(ij)) such that a_(ij)>=0 and sum_(i)a_(ij)=sum_(j)a_(ij)=1 is some field for all i and j. In other words, both the matrix itself ...
The EKG sequence is the integer sequence having 1 as its first term, 2 as its second, and with each succeeding term being the smallest number not already used that shares a ...
Fermat's spiral, also known as the parabolic spiral, is an Archimedean spiral with m=2 having polar equation r^2=a^2theta. (1) This curve was discussed by Fermat in 1636 ...
A graph is a forbidden minor if its presence as a graph minor of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. More generally, there may be a family of ...
A board covered by a lattice of pegs around which one can span rubber bands to form segments and polygons. It was invented by the Egyptian mathematician and pedagogist Caleb ...
The great dirhombicosidodecahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 75 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 119 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 82 (Coxeter et al. 1954), ...
Hypothesis testing is the use of statistics to determine the probability that a given hypothesis is true. The usual process of hypothesis testing consists of four steps. 1. ...
A combinatorial conjecture formulated by Kneser (1955). It states that whenever the n-subsets of a (2n+k)-set are divided into k+1 classes, then two disjoint subsets end up ...
The five Mathieu groups M_(11), M_(12), M_(22), M_(23), and M_(24) were the first sporadic groups discovered, having been found in 1861 and 1873 by Mathieu. Frobenius showed ...
A permutation problem invented by Cayley. Let the numbers 1, 2, ..., n be written on a set of cards, and shuffle this deck of cards. Now, start counting using the top card. ...
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