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Let S be a collection of subsets of a finite set X. A subset Y of X that meets every member of S is called the vertex cover, or hitting set. A vertex cover of a graph G can ...
A complete tripartite graph is the k=3 case of a complete k-partite graph. In other words, it is a tripartite graph (i.e., a set of graph vertices decomposed into three ...
The hemicubical graph is the skeleton of the hemicube. It has 7 vertices, 11 edges, and 6 faces. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["HemicubicalGraph"].
The Poussin graph is the 15-node planar graph illustrated above that tangles the Kempe chains in Kempe's algorithm and thus provides an example of how Kempe's supposed proof ...
A n-dipyramidal graph is the skeleton of an n-sided dipyramid. It is isomorphic to the (m,2)-cone graph C_m+K^__2, where C_m is a cycle graph, K^__2 is the empty graph on 2 ...
The n-Andrásfai graph is a circulant graph on 3n-1 nodes whose indices are given by the integers 1, ..., 3n-1 that are congruent to 1 (mod 3). The Andrásfai graphs have graph ...
There are several differing definitions of the sun graph. ISGCI defines a (complete) n-sun graph as a graph on 2n nodes (sometimes also known as a trampoline graph; ...
The Wagner graph is a name sometimes given to the 4-Möbius ladder (Bondy and Murty 2008, pp. 275-276). The association arises through the theorem of Wagner (1937) that graphs ...
The Greenfield graph is the name given in this work to the 12-vertex graph illustrated above due to Greenfield (2011). This graph provided the first known example which ...
"The" tetrahedral graph is the Platonic graph that is the unique polyhedral graph on four nodes which is also the complete graph K_4 and therefore also the wheel graph W_4. ...
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