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The classic treatise in geometry written by Euclid and used as a textbook for more than 1000 years in western Europe. An Arabic version The Elements appears at the end of the ...
Elliptic curve primality proving, abbreviated ECPP, is class of algorithms that provide certificates of primality using sophisticated results from the theory of elliptic ...
A sequence of real numbers {x_n} is equidistributed on an interval [a,b] if the probability of finding x_n in any subinterval is proportional to the subinterval length. The ...
Euclid's second theorem states that the number of primes is infinite. The proof of this can be accomplished using the numbers E_n = 1+product_(i=1)^(n)p_i (1) = 1+p_n#, (2) ...
The Euler-Maclaurin integration and sums formulas can be derived from Darboux's formula by substituting the Bernoulli polynomial B_n(t) in for the function phi(t). ...
A Gaussian integer is a complex number a+bi where a and b are integers. The Gaussian integers are members of the imaginary quadratic field Q(sqrt(-1)) and form a ring often ...
A geodesic dome is a triangulation of a Platonic solid or other polyhedron to produce a close approximation to a sphere (or hemisphere). The nth order geodesation operation ...
A pair of primes (p,q) that sum to an even integer 2n=p+q are known as a Goldbach partition (Oliveira e Silva). Letting r(2n) denote the number of Goldbach partitions of 2n ...
Let N^* be the smallest dimension n of a hypercube such that if the lines joining all pairs of corners are two-colored for any n>=N^*, a complete graph K_4 of one color with ...
The Grassmannian Gr(n,k) is the set of k-dimensional subspaces in an n-dimensional vector space. For example, the set of lines Gr(n+1,1) is projective space. The real ...
