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A bounded plane convex region symmetric about a lattice point and with area >4 must contain at least three lattice points in the interior. In n dimensions, the theorem can be ...
Three guests decide to stay the night at a lodge whose rate they are initially told is $30 per night. However, after the guests have each paid $10 and gone to their room, the ...
Model theory is a general theory of interpretations of axiomatic set theory. It is the branch of logic studying mathematical structures by considering first-order sentences ...
Modus tollens is a valid argument form in propositional calculus in which p and q are propositions. If p implies q, and q is false, then p is false. Also known as an indirect ...
The moment problem, also called "Hausdorff's moment problem" or the "little moment problem," may be stated as follows. Given a sequence of numbers {mu_n}_(n=0)^infty, under ...
In order to integrate a function over a complicated domain D, Monte Carlo integration picks random points over some simple domain D^' which is a superset of D, checks whether ...
The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
A geometric construction, also called a verging construction, which allows the classical geometric construction rules to be bent in order to permit sliding of a marked ruler. ...
A ring is called left (respectively, right) Noetherian if it does not contain an infinite ascending chain of left (respectively, right) ideals. In this case, the ring in ...
A knot which is not alternating. Unlike alternating knots, flype moves are not sufficient to pass between all minimal diagrams of a given nonalternating knot (Hoste et al. ...
