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A branch cut is a curve (with ends possibly open, closed, or half-open) in the complex plane across which an analytic multivalued function is discontinuous. For convenience, ...
A finite group G has a finite number of conjugacy classes and a finite number of distinct irreducible representations. The group character of a group representation is ...
The Meringer graph is one of the four (5,5)-cage graphs, discovered by Meringer (1999) after it had long been thought that only three such cages existed. Like the other ...
The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is a discrete Fourier transform algorithm which reduces the number of computations needed for N points from 2N^2 to 2NlgN, where lg is the ...
Complex analysis is the study of complex numbers together with their derivatives, manipulation, and other properties. Complex analysis is an extremely powerful tool with an ...
The most general form of "an" exponential function is a power-law function of the form f(x)=ab^(cx+d), (1) where a, c, and d are real numbers, b is a positive real number, ...
The happy end problem, also called the "happy ending problem," is the problem of determining for n>=3 the smallest number of points g(n) in general position in the plane ...
The term metric signature refers to the signature of a metric tensor g=g_(ij) on a smooth manifold M, a tool which quantifies the numbers of positive, zero, and negative ...
The symmetric group S_n of degree n is the group of all permutations on n symbols. S_n is therefore a permutation group of order n! and contains as subgroups every group of ...
A vector is formally defined as an element of a vector space. In the commonly encountered vector space R^n (i.e., Euclidean n-space), a vector is given by n coordinates and ...
