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The transcendence degree of Q(pi), sometimes called the transcendental degree, is one because it is generated by one extra element. In contrast, Q(pi,pi^2) (which is the same ...
The transitive closure of a binary relation R on a set X is the minimal transitive relation R^' on X that contains R. Thus aR^'b for any elements a and b of X provided that ...
A transformation consisting of a constant offset with no rotation or distortion. In n-dimensional Euclidean space, a translation may be specified simply as a vector giving ...
A transposition graph G_n is a graph whose nodes correspond to permutations and edges to permutations that differ by exactly one transposition (Skiena 1990, p. 9, Clark ...
Two submanifolds X and Y in an ambient space M intersect transversally if, for all p in X intersection Y, TX_p+TY_p={v+w:v in TX_p,w in TY_p}=TM_p, where the addition is in ...
A foliation F of dimension p on a manifold M is transversely orientable if it is integral to a p-plane distribution D on M whose normal bundle Q is orientable. A p-plane ...
Informally, a function f:{0,1}^(l(n))×{0,1}^n->{0,1}^(m(n)) is a trapdoor one-way function if 1. It is a one-way function, and 2. For fixed public key y in {0,1}^(l(n)), ...
The 2-point Newton-Cotes formula int_(x_1)^(x_2)f(x)dx=1/2h(f_1+f_2)-1/(12)h^3f^('')(xi), where f_i=f(x_i), h is the separation between the points, and xi is a point ...
A tree decomposition is a mapping of a graph into a related tree with desirable properties that allow it to be used to efficiently compute certain properties (e.g., ...
The "trefoil" curve is the name given by Cundy and Rollett (1989, p. 72) to the quartic plane curve given by the equation x^4+x^2y^2+y^4=x(x^2-y^2). (1) As such, it is a ...
