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681 - 690 of 983 for Normalize]]><![ CDATA[d VectorSearch Results
The vectors +/-a_1, ..., +/-a_n in a three-space form a normalized eutactic star iff Tx=x for all x in the three-space.
Unit vectors which are orthogonal are said to be orthonormal.
Two vectors u and v are parallel if their cross product is zero, i.e., uxv=0.
The scalar |v|=ds/dt, where s is the arc length, equal to the magnitude of the velocity v.
Given a contravariant basis {e^->_1,...,e^->_n}, its dual covariant basis is given by e^->^alpha·e^->_beta=g(e^->^alpha,e^->_beta)=delta_beta^alpha, where g is the metric and ...
A random number is a number chosen as if by chance from some specified distribution such that selection of a large set of these numbers reproduces the underlying ...
For vectors u=(u_x,u_y,u_z) and v=(v_x,v_y,v_z) in R^3, the cross product in is defined by uxv = x^^(u_yv_z-u_zv_y)-y^^(u_xv_z-u_zv_x)+z^^(u_xv_y-u_yv_x) (1) = ...
The tangent space at a point p in an abstract manifold M can be described without the use of embeddings or coordinate charts. The elements of the tangent space are called ...
Given a smooth manifold M with an open cover U_i, a partition of unity subject to the cover U_i is a collection of smooth, nonnegative functions psi_i, such that the support ...
Two lines, vectors, planes, etc., are said to be perpendicular if they meet at a right angle. In R^n, two vectors a and b are perpendicular if their dot product a·b=0. (1) In ...
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