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Euler (1738, 1753) considered the series s_a(x)=sum_(n=1)^infty[1/(1-a^n)product_(k=0)^(n-1)(1-xa^(-k))]. He showed that just like log_a(a^n)=n, s_a(a^n)=n for nonnegative ...
For a general second-order linear recurrence equation f_(n+1)=xf_n+yf_(n-1), (1) define a multiplication rule on ordered pairs by (A,B)(C,D)=(AD+BC+xAC,BD+yAC). (2) The ...
An efficient version of the Walsh transform that requires O(nlnn) operations instead of the n^2 required for a direct Walsh transform (Wolfram 2002, p. 1072).
The Faulkner-Younger graphs (Faulkner and Younger 1974) are the cubic polyhedral nonhamiltonian graphs on 42 and 44 vertices illustrated above that are counterexamples to ...
The Feit-Thompson conjecture asserts that there are no primes p and q for which (p^q-1)/(p-1) and (q^p-1)/(q-1) have a common factor. Parker noticed that if this were true, ...
Given a sequence of independent random variates X_1, X_2, ..., if sigma_k^2=var(X_k) and rho_n^2=max_(k<=n)((sigma_k^2)/(s_n^2)), then lim_(n->infty)rho_n^2=0. This means ...
The Feller-Tornier constant is the density of integers that have an even number of prime factors p_i^(a_i) with a_1>1 in their prime factorization. It is given by ...
In 1657, Fermat posed the problem of finding solutions to sigma(x^3)=y^2, and solutions to sigma(x^2)=y^3, where sigma(n) is the divisor function (Dickson 2005). The first ...
Fermat's sandwich theorem states that 26 is the only number sandwiched between a perfect square number (5^2=25) and a perfect cubic number (3^3=27). According to Singh ...
A self-avoiding polygon containing three corners of its minimal bounding rectangle. The anisotropic area and perimeter generating function G(x,y) and partial generating ...
