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A sequence of random variates X_0, X_1, ... is called absolutely fair if for n=1, 2, ..., <X_1>=0 and <X_(n+1)|X_1,...,X_n>=0 (Feller 1971, p. 210).
An accumulation point is a point which is the limit of a sequence, also called a limit point. For some maps, periodic orbits give way to chaotic ones beyond a point known as ...
An Achilles number is a positive integer that is powerful (in the sense that each prime factor occurs with exponent greater than one) but imperfect (in the sense that the ...
An addition chain for a number n is a sequence 1=a_0<a_1<...<a_r=n, such that each member after a_0 is the sum of two earlier (not necessarily distinct) ones. The number r is ...
A theory which satisfies all the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms with the possible exception of the long exact sequence of a pair axiom, as well as a certain additional continuity ...
A number of the form p^a·A is said to be an antisquare if it fails to be a square number for the two reasons that a is odd and A is a nonsquare (modulo p). The first few ...
A module that fulfils the descending chain condition with respect to inclusion, i.e., if every decreasing sequence of submodules eventually become constant.
The Atzema spiral, also known as the Pritch-Atzema spiral, is the curve whose catacaustic for a radiant point at the origin is a circle, as illustrated above. It has ...
Baxter's four-coloring constant for a triangular lattice is given by C^2 = product_(j=1)^(infty)((3j-1)^2)/((3j-2)(3j)) (1) = 3/(4pi^2)Gamma^3(1/3) (2) = 1.46099848... (3) ...
The two recursive sequences U_n = mU_(n-1)+U_(n-2) (1) V_n = mV_(n-1)+V_(n-2) (2) with U_0=0, U_1=1 and V_0=2, V_1=m, can be solved for the individual U_n and V_n. They are ...
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