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A section of a fiber bundle gives an element of the fiber over every point in B. Usually it is described as a map s:B->E such that pi degreess is the identity on B. A ...
A representation of a C^*-algebra A is a pair (H,phi) where H is a Hilbert space and phi:A->B(H) is a *-homomorphism. (H,phi) is said to be faithful if phi is injective. For ...
A dihedron is a regular tiling or map on a sphere composed of two regular p-gons, each occupying a hemisphere and with edge lengths of 2pi/p on a unit sphere. Its Schläfli ...
On the class of topological spaces, a homeomorphism class is an equivalence class under the relation of being homeomorphic. For example, the open interval (-pi/2,pi/2) and ...
The rank of a matrix or a linear transformation is the dimension of the image of the matrix or the linear transformation, corresponding to the number of linearly independent ...
A multilinear form on a vector space V(F) over a field F is a map f:V(F)×...×V(F)->F (1) such that c·f(u_1,...,u_i,...,u_n)=f(u_1,...,c·u_i,...,u_n) (2) and ...
A set which is connected but not simply connected is called multiply connected. A space is n-multiply connected if it is (n-1)-connected and if every map from the n-sphere ...
A group action of a topological group G on a topological space X is said to be a proper group action if the mapping G×X->X×X(g,x)|->(gx,x) is a proper map, i.e., inverses of ...
For a point y in Y, with f(y)=x, the ramification index of f at y is a positive integer e_y such that there is some open neighborhood U of y so that x has only one preimage ...
There are at least two statements known as Schur's lemma. 1. The endomorphism ring of an irreducible module is a division algebra. 2. Let V, W be irreducible (linear) ...
