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101 - 110 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results

The Pell polynomials P(x) are the W-polynomials generated by the Lucas polynomial sequence using the generator p(x)=2x, q(x)=1. This gives recursive equations for P(x) from ...
For a polynomial P=sum_(k=0)^na_kz^k, (1) several classes of norms are commonly defined. The l_p-norm is defined as ||P||_p=(sum_(k=0)^n|a_k|^p)^(1/p) (2) for p>=1, giving ...
An algorithm is said to be solvable in polynomial time if the number of steps required to complete the algorithm for a given input is O(n^k) for some nonnegative integer k, ...
The Q-chromatic polynomial, introduced by Birkhoff and Lewis (1946) and termed the "Q-chromial" by Bari (1974), is an alternate form of the chromatic polynomial pi(x) defined ...
Let a simple graph G have n vertices, chromatic polynomial P(x), and chromatic number chi. Then P(G) can be written as P(G)=sum_(i=0)^ha_i·(x)_(p-i), where h=n-chi and (x)_k ...
One would think that by analogy with the matching-generating polynomial, independence polynomial, etc., a cycle polynomial whose coefficients are the numbers of cycles of ...
A polynomial A_n(x;a) given by the associated Sheffer sequence with f(t)=te^(at), (1) given by A_n(x;a)=x(x-an)^(n-1). (2) The generating function is ...
The Eberlein polynomials of degree 2k and variable x are the orthogonal polynomials arising in the Johnson scheme that may be defined by E_k^((n,v))(x) = ...
Let f(x) be a real entire function of the form f(x)=sum_(k=0)^inftygamma_k(x^k)/(k!), (1) where the gamma_ks are positive and satisfy Turán's inequalities ...
A hypergeometric class of orthogonal polynomials defined by R_n(lambda(x);alpha,beta,gamma,delta) =_4F_3(-n,n+alpha+beta+1,-x,x+gamma+delta+1; alpha+1,beta+delta+1,gamma+1;1) ...
