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A connected graph G is distance-regular if for any vertices x and y of G and any integers i,j=0, 1, ...d (where d is the graph diameter), the number of vertices at distance i ...
The factorial n! is defined for a positive integer n as n!=n(n-1)...2·1. (1) So, for example, 4!=4·3·2·1=24. An older notation for the factorial was written (Mellin 1909; ...
The Platonic solids, also called the regular solids or regular polyhedra, are convex polyhedra with equivalent faces composed of congruent convex regular polygons. There are ...
A graph is said to be regular of degree r if all local degrees are the same number r. A 0-regular graph is an empty graph, a 1-regular graph consists of disconnected edges, ...
Twin primes are pairs of primes of the form (p, p+2). The term "twin prime" was coined by Paul Stäckel (1862-1919; Tietze 1965, p. 19). The first few twin primes are n+/-1 ...
An almost integer is a number that is very close to an integer. Near-solutions to Fermat's last theorem provide a number of high-profile almost integers. In the season 7, ...
The Bernoulli numbers B_n are a sequence of signed rational numbers that can be defined by the exponential generating function x/(e^x-1)=sum_(n=0)^infty(B_nx^n)/(n!). (1) ...
A cubic number is a figurate number of the form n^3 with n a positive integer. The first few are 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, ... (OEIS A000578). The protagonist Christopher ...
The Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma, sometimes also called 'Euler's constant' or 'the Euler constant' (but not to be confused with the constant e=2.718281...) is defined as ...
The objective of global optimization is to find the globally best solution of (possibly nonlinear) models, in the (possible or known) presence of multiple local optima. ...
