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A metric space is a set S with a global distance function (the metric g) that, for every two points x,y in S, gives the distance between them as a nonnegative real number ...
If a function has a Fourier series given by f(x)=1/2a_0+sum_(n=1)^inftya_ncos(nx)+sum_(n=1)^inftyb_nsin(nx), (1) then Bessel's inequality becomes an equality known as ...
A convex polyhedron is defined as the set of solutions to a system of linear inequalities mx<=b (i.e., a matrix inequality), where m is a real s×d matrix and b is a real ...
Any nonzero rational number x can be represented by x=(p^ar)/s, (1) where p is a prime number, r and s are integers not divisible by p, and a is a unique integer. The p-adic ...
A generalization of the p-adic norm first proposed by Kürschák in 1913. A valuation |·| on a field K is a function from K to the real numbers R such that the following ...
The arithmetic mean of a set of values is the quantity commonly called "the" mean or the average. Given a set of samples {x_i}, the arithmetic mean is x^_=1/Nsum_(i=1)^Nx_i. ...
In 1891, Chebyshev and Sylvester showed that for sufficiently large x, there exists at least one prime number p satisfying x<p<(1+alpha)x, where alpha=0.092.... Since the ...
The Chebyshev integral is given by intx^p(1-x)^qdx=B(x;1+p,1+q), where B(x;a,b) is an incomplete beta function.
An equation is a mathematical expression stating that two or more quantities are the same as one another, also called an equality, formula, or identity.
An entire function f is said to be of finite order if there exist numbers a,r>0 such that |f(z)|<=exp(|z|^a) for all |z|>r. The infimum of all numbers a for which this ...
