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821 - 830 of 13135 for Irrational NumberSearch Results
x^n=sum_(k=0)^n<n; k>(x+k; n), where <n; k> is an Eulerian number and (n; k) is a binomial coefficient (Worpitzky 1883; Comtet 1974, p. 242).
"The" Smarandache constant is the smallest solution to the generalized Andrica's conjecture, x approx 0.567148 (OEIS A038458). The first Smarandache constant is defined as ...
Yahtzee is a game played with five 6-sided dice. Players take turns rolling the dice, and trying to get certain types of rolls, each with an assigned point value, as ...
Given a point set P={x_n}_(n=0)^(N-1) in the s-dimensional unit cube [0,1)^s, the local discrepancy is defined as D(J,P)=|(number of x_n in J)/N-Vol(J)|, Vol(J) is the ...
A graph or directed graph together with a function which assigns a positive real number to each edge (Harary 1994, p. 52).
The Higman-Sims graph is the unique strongly regular graph on 100 nodes (Higman and Sims 1968, Brouwer 1983, Brouwer and Haemers 1993). It was also constructed independently ...
A snark on 30 vertices with edge chromatic number 4. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["DoubleStarSnark"].
The Szekeres snark was the fifth snark discovered, illustrated above. It has 50 vertices and edge chromatic number 4.
A theorem outlined by Kolmogorov (1954) which was subsequently proved in the 1960s by Arnol'd (1963) and Moser (1962; Tabor 1989, p. 105). It gives conditions under which ...
For algebraic alpha |alpha-p/q|<1/(q^(2+epsilon)), with epsilon>0, has finitely many solutions. Klaus Roth received a Fields medal for this result.
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