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The cotangent function cotz is the function defined by cotz = 1/(tanz) (1) = (i(e^(iz)+e^(-iz)))/(e^(iz)-e^(-iz)) (2) = (i(e^(2iz)+1))/(e^(2iz)-1), (3) where tanz is the ...
Kepler's equation gives the relation between the polar coordinates of a celestial body (such as a planet) and the time elapsed from a given initial point. Kepler's equation ...
The Laplace transform is an integral transform perhaps second only to the Fourier transform in its utility in solving physical problems. The Laplace transform is particularly ...
The logarithmic integral (in the "American" convention; Abramowitz and Stegun 1972; Edwards 2001, p. 26), is defined for real x as li(x) = {int_0^x(dt)/(lnt) for 0<x<1; ...
There are several functions called "Lommel functions." One type of Lommel function appear in the solution to the Lommel differential equation and are given by ...
A point lattice is a regularly spaced array of points. In the plane, point lattices can be constructed having unit cells in the shape of a square, rectangle, hexagon, etc. ...
There are two kinds of power sums commonly considered. The first is the sum of pth powers of a set of n variables x_k, S_p(x_1,...,x_n)=sum_(k=1)^nx_k^p, (1) and the second ...
secz is the trigonometric function defined by secz = 1/(cosz) (1) = 2/(e^(iz)+e^(-iz)), (2) where cosz is the cosine. The secant is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Steinmetz solid is the solid common to two (or three) right circular cylinders of equal radii intersecting at right angles is called the Steinmetz solid. Two cylinders ...
A trinomial coefficient is a coefficient of the trinomial triangle. Following the notation of Andrews (1990), the trinomial coefficient (n; k)_2, with n>=0 and -n<=k<=n, is ...
