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1811 - 1820 of 1997 for Infinite SequenceSearch Results
Ramanujan calculated mu=1.45136380... (Hardy 1999, Le Lionnais 1983, Berndt 1994), while the correct value is mu=1.45136923488... (OEIS A070769; Derbyshire 2004, p. 114). The ...
A homework problem proposed in Steffi's math class in January 2003 asked students to prove that no ratio of two unequal numbers obtained by permuting all the digits 1, 2, ...
Given two circles with one interior to the other, if small tangent circles can be inscribed around the region between the two circles such that the final circle is tangent to ...
Let X be a set of v>=3 elements together with a set B of 3-subset (triples) of X such that every 2-subset of X occurs in exactly one triple of B. Then B is called a Steiner ...
The theorem, originally conjectured by Berge (1960, 1961), that a graph is perfect iff neither the graph nor its graph complement contains an odd graph cycle of length at ...
A figurate number Te_n of the form Te_n = sum_(k=1)^(n)T_k (1) = 1/6n(n+1)(n+2) (2) = (n+2; 3), (3) where T_k is the kth triangular number and (n; m) is a binomial ...
The mean tetrahedron volume of a tetrahedron with vertices chosen at random inside another tetrahedron of unit volume is given by V^_ = (13)/(720)-(pi^2)/(15015) (1) = ...
A Thâbit ibn Kurrah prime, sometimes called a 321-prime, is a Thâbit ibn Kurrah number (i.e., a number of the form 3·2^n-1 for nonnegative integer n) that is prime. The ...
A set of positive integers is called weakly triple-free if, for any integer x, the set {x,2x,3x} !subset= S. For example, all subsets of {1,2,3,4,5} are weakly triple-free ...
For an integer n>=2, let lpf(n) denote the least prime factor of n. A pair of integers (x,y) is called a twin peak if 1. x<y, 2. lpf(x)=lpf(y), 3. For all z, x<z<y implies ...