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A Lyapunov function is a scalar function V(y) defined on a region D that is continuous, positive definite, V(y)>0 for all y!=0), and has continuous first-order partial ...
A permutation group is a finite group G whose elements are permutations of a given set and whose group operation is composition of permutations in G. Permutation groups have ...
A stacked (or generalized) prism graph Y_(m,n) is a simple graph given by the graph Cartesian product Y_(m,n)=C_m square P_n (Gallian 2007) for positive integers m,n with ...
A bra <psi| is a vector living in a dual vector space to that containing kets |psi>. Bras and kets are commonly encountered in quantum mechanics. Bras and kets can be ...
Various forms of opening and closing bracket-like delimiters are used for a number of distinct notational purposes in mathematics. The most common variants of bracket ...
The term "bundle" is an abbreviated form of the full term fiber bundle. Depending on context, it may mean one of the special cases of fiber bundles, such as a vector bundle ...
A module having dual properties with respect to a free module, as enumerated below. 1. Every free module is projective; every cofree module is injective. 2. For every module ...
A dyadic, also known as a vector direct product, is a linear polynomial of dyads AB+CD+... consisting of nine components A_(ij) which transform as (A_(ij))^' = ...
A free Abelian group is a group G with a subset which generates the group G with the only relation being ab=ba. That is, it has no group torsion. All such groups are a direct ...
"The" Jacobi identity is a relationship [A,[B,C]]+[B,[C,A]]+[C,[A,B]]=0,, (1) between three elements A, B, and C, where [A,B] is the commutator. The elements of a Lie algebra ...
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