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551 - 560 of 668 for Independent vs. dependent eventsSearch Results
Wynn's epsilon-method is a method for numerical evaluation of sums and products that samples a number of additional terms in the series and then tries to extrapolate them by ...
A symbol consisting of three rational numbers that can be used to describe uniform polyhedra based on how a point C in a spherical triangle can be selected so as to trace the ...
The series h_q(-r)=sum_(n=1)^infty1/(q^n+r) (1) for q an integer other than 0 and +/-1. h_q and the related series Ln_q(-r+1)=sum_(n=1)^infty((-1)^n)/(q^n+r), (2) which is a ...
An array is a "list of lists" with the length of each level of list the same. The size (sometimes called the "shape") of a d-dimensional array is then indicated as ...
A Bessel function of the second kind Y_n(x) (e.g, Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. 703, eqn. 6.649.1), sometimes also denoted N_n(x) (e.g, Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 2000, p. 657, ...
In general, "a" calculus is an abstract theory developed in a purely formal way. "The" calculus, more properly called analysis (or real analysis or, in older literature, ...
Let X_1,X_2,...,X_N be a set of N independent random variates and each X_i have an arbitrary probability distribution P(x_1,...,x_N) with mean mu_i and a finite variance ...
The circuit rank gamma, also denoted mu (Volkmann 1996, Babić et al. 2002) or beta (White 2001, p. 56) and known as the cycle rank (e.g., White 2001, p. 56), (first) graph ...
Vizing's theorem states that a graph can be edge-colored in either Delta or Delta+1 colors, where Delta is the maximum vertex degree of the graph. A graph with edge chromatic ...
The clique polynomial C_G(x) for the graph G is defined as the polynomial C_G(x)=1+sum_(k=1)^(omega(G))c_kx^k, (1) where omega(G) is the clique number of G, the coefficient ...
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