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201 - 210 of 668 for Independent vs. dependent eventsSearch Results
Intuitively, a d-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be long-range if direct flow is possible between pairs of graph vertices or graph edges which are "very ...
Let there be three polynomials a(x), b(x), and c(x) with no common factors such that a(x)+b(x)=c(x). Then the number of distinct roots of the three polynomials is one or more ...
A deconvolution algorithm (sometimes abbreviated MEM) which functions by minimizing a smoothness function ("entropy") in an image. Maximum entropy is also called the ...
A 2-dimensional discrete percolation model is said to be mixed if both graph vertices and graph edges may be "blocked" from allowing fluid flow (i.e., closed in the sense of ...
A d-dimensional discrete percolation model on a regular point lattice L=L^d is said to be oriented if L is an oriented lattice. One common such model takes place on the ...
One of the symbols ( or ) used to denote grouping. Parentheses have a great many specialized meanings in mathematics. A few of these are described below. 1. Parentheses are ...
The polar sine is a function of a vertex angle of an n-dimensional parallelotope or simplex. If the content of the parallelotope is P and the lengths of the n edges of the ...
In general, a singularity is a point at which an equation, surface, etc., blows up or becomes degenerate. Singularities are often also called singular points. Singularities ...
A differential equation or system of ordinary differential equations is said to be autonomous if it does not explicitly contain the independent variable (usually denoted t). ...
Given a square matrix M, the following are equivalent: 1. |M|!=0. 2. The columns of M are linearly independent. 3. The rows of M are linearly independent. 4. Range(M) = R^n. ...
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