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Grünbaum conjectured that for every m>1, n>2, there exists an m-regular, m-chromatic graph of girth at least n. This result is trivial for n=2 or m=2,3, but only a small ...
A convex polyomino (sometimes called a "convex polygon") is a polyomino whose perimeter is equal to that of its minimal bounding box (Bousquet-Mélou et al. 1999). ...
A digit sum s_b(n) is a sum of the base-b digits of n, which can be implemented in the Wolfram Language as DigitSum[n_, b_:10] := Total[IntegerDigits[n, b]]The following ...
A double bubble is pair of bubbles which intersect and are separated by a membrane bounded by the intersection. The usual double bubble is illustrated in the left figure ...
In a given triangle DeltaABC with all angles less than 120 degrees (2pi/3, the first Fermat point X or F_1 (sometimes simply called "the Fermat point," Torricelli point, or ...
The flower snarks, denoted J_n for n=5, 7, 9, ..., are a family of graphs discovered by Isaacs (1975) which are snarks. The construction for flower snarks may be generalized ...
Cubic symmetric graphs are sometimes called Foster graphs and denoted F_(nnn)X, where nnn is the vertex count and X is a letter A, B, C, ... indicating the particular such ...
The fundamental group of an arcwise-connected set X is the group formed by the sets of equivalence classes of the set of all loops, i.e., paths with initial and final points ...
Hex is a two-player game invented by Piet Hein in 1942 while a student at Niels Bohr's Institute for Theoretical Physics, and subsequently and independently by John Nash in ...
The Gauss-Kuzmin distribution is the distribution of occurrences of a positive integer k in the continued fraction of a random (or "generic") real number. Consider xi_n ...
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