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201 - 210 of 224 for Hertzsprung-Russel diagramSearch Results

The universal cover of a connected topological space X is a simply connected space Y with a map f:Y->X that is a covering map. If X is simply connected, i.e., has a trivial ...
A circle is the set of points in a plane that are equidistant from a given point O. The distance r from the center is called the radius, and the point O is called the center. ...
A Boolean algebra is a mathematical structure that is similar to a Boolean ring, but that is defined using the meet and join operators instead of the usual addition and ...
The characteristic polynomial is the polynomial left-hand side of the characteristic equation det(A-lambdaI)=0, (1) where A is a square matrix and I is the identity matrix of ...
The convex hull of a set of points S in n dimensions is the intersection of all convex sets containing S. For N points p_1, ..., p_N, the convex hull C is then given by the ...
The simplest class of one-dimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules that depend only on nearest ...
The fundamental group of an arcwise-connected set X is the group formed by the sets of equivalence classes of the set of all loops, i.e., paths with initial and final points ...
The great icosahedron, not to be confused with the great icosidodecahedron orgreat icosicosidodecahedron, is the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedronhose dual is the great stellated ...
Logic is the formal mathematical study of the methods, structure, and validity of mathematical deduction and proof. According to Wolfram (2002, p. 860), logic is the most ...
An ordinary double point of a plane curve is point where a curve intersects itself such that two branches of the curve have distinct tangent lines. Ordinary double points of ...
