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The great icosahedron, not to be confused with the great icosidodecahedron orgreat icosicosidodecahedron, is the Kepler-Poinsot polyhedronhose dual is the great stellated ...
The isogonal conjugate X^(-1) of a point X in the plane of the triangle DeltaABC is constructed by reflecting the lines AX, BX, and CX about the angle bisectors at A, B, and ...
The word net has several meanings in mathematics. It refers to a plane diagram in which the polyhedron edges of a polyhedron are shown, a point set satisfying certain ...
Closed forms are known for the sums of reciprocals of even-indexed Fibonacci numbers P_F^((e)) = sum_(n=1)^(infty)1/(F_(2n)) (1) = ...
If Li_2(x) denotes the usual dilogarithm, then there are two variants that are normalized slightly differently, both called the Rogers L-function (Rogers 1907). Bytsko (1999) ...
Integrals over the unit square arising in geometric probability are int_0^1int_0^1sqrt(x^2+y^2)dxdy=1/3[sqrt(2)+sinh^(-1)(1)] int_0^1int_0^1sqrt((x-1/2)^2+(y-1/2)^2)dxdy ...
Let S be a collection of subsets of a finite set X. A subset Y of X that meets every member of S is called the vertex cover, or hitting set. A vertex cover of a graph G can ...
The Jacobi theta functions are the elliptic analogs of the exponential function, and may be used to express the Jacobi elliptic functions. The theta functions are ...
A phenomenological law also called the first digit law, first digit phenomenon, or leading digit phenomenon. Benford's law states that in listings, tables of statistics, ...
The Euclidean algorithm, also called Euclid's algorithm, is an algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers a and b. The algorithm can also be defined for ...
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