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361 - 370 of 1352 for Gamma DistributionSearch Results

The Poisson-Charlier polynomials c_k(x;a) form a Sheffer sequence with g(t) = e^(a(e^t-1)) (1) f(t) = a(e^t-1), (2) giving the generating function ...
Pick two real numbers x and y at random in (0,1) with a uniform distribution. What is the probability P_(even) that [x/y], where [r] denotes the nearest integer function, is ...
Square line picking is the selection of pairs of points (corresponding to endpoints of a line segment) randomly placed inside a square. n random line segments can be picked ...
Picking two independent sets of points x and y from a unit uniform distribution and placing them at coordinates (x,y) gives points uniformly distributed over the unit square. ...
Baxter's four-coloring constant for a triangular lattice is given by C^2 = product_(j=1)^(infty)((3j-1)^2)/((3j-2)(3j)) (1) = 3/(4pi^2)Gamma^3(1/3) (2) = 1.46099848... (3) ...
The operator of fractional integration is defined as _aD_t^(-nu)f(t)=1/(Gamma(nu))int_a^tf(u)(t-u)^(nu-1)du for nu>0 with _aD_t^0f(t)=f(t) (Oldham and Spanier 1974, Miller ...
Pick three points P=(x_1,y_1), Q=(x_2,y_2), and R=(x_3,y_3) distributed independently and uniformly in a unit disk K (i.e., in the interior of the unit circle). Then the ...
Let N steps of equal length be taken along a line. Let p be the probability of taking a step to the right, q the probability of taking a step to the left, n_1 the number of ...
The Abel-Plana formula gives an expression for the difference between a discrete sum and the corresponding integral. The formula can be derived from the argument principle ...
Arc length is defined as the length along a curve, s=int_gamma|dl|, (1) where dl is a differential displacement vector along a curve gamma. For example, for a circle of ...
