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21 - 30 of 1230 for Frullanis IntegralSearch Results
There are at least two integrals called the Poisson integral. The first is also known as Bessel's second integral, ...
An integral embedding of a graph, not to be confused with an integral graph, is a graph drawn such that vertices are distinct points and all graph edges have integer lengths. ...
An integral graph, not to be confused with an integral embedding of a graph, is defined as a graph whose graph spectrum consists entirely of integers. The notion was first ...
A general integral transform is defined by g(alpha)=int_a^bf(t)K(alpha,t)dt, where K(alpha,t) is called the integral kernel of the transform.
A type of integral named after Henstock and Kurzweil. Every Lebesgue integrable function is HK integrable with the same value.
J_m(x)=(2x^(m-n))/(2^(m-n)Gamma(m-n))int_0^1J_n(xt)t^(n+1)(1-t^2)^(m-n-1)dt, where J_m(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Gamma(x) is the gamma function.
Euler integration was defined by Schanuel and subsequently explored by Rota, Chen, and Klain. The Euler integral of a function f:R->R (assumed to be piecewise-constant with ...
J_m(x)=(x^m)/(2^(m-1)sqrt(pi)Gamma(m+1/2))int_0^1cos(xt)(1-t^2)^(m-1/2)dt, where J_m(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. Hankel's ...
Laplace's integral is one of the following integral representations of the Legendre polynomial P_n(x), P_n(x) = 1/piint_0^pi(du)/((x+sqrt(x^2-1)cosu)^(n+1))du (1) = ...
Let gamma be a path given parametrically by sigma(t). Let s denote arc length from the initial point. Then int_gammaf(s)ds = int_a^bf(sigma(t))|sigma^'(t)|dt (1) = ...
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