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Gauss stated the reciprocity theorem for the case n=4 x^4=q (mod p) (1) can be solved using the Gaussian integers as ...
Let s(x,y,z) and t(x,y,z) be differentiable scalar functions defined at all points on a surface S. In computer graphics, the functions s and t often represent texture ...
The term Bol loop refers to either of two classes of algebraic loops satisfying the so-called Bol identities. In particular, a left Bol loop is an algebraic loop L which, for ...
A Borel set is an element of a Borel sigma-algebra. Roughly speaking, Borel sets are the sets that can be constructed from open or closed sets by repeatedly taking countable ...
A roll of two 6s (the highest roll possible) on a pair of 6-sided dice. The probability of rolling boxcars in a single roll of two dice is 1/36, or 2.777...%. In order to ...
The Bump-Ng theorem (and also the title of the paper in which it was proved) states that the zeros of the Mellin transform of Hermite functions have real part equal to 1/2.
As defined by Kyrmse, a canonical polygon is a closed polygon whose vertices lie on a point lattice and whose edges consist of vertical and horizontal steps of unit length or ...
The problem of finding the number of different ways in which a product of n different ordered factors can be calculated by pairs (i.e., the number of binary bracketings of n ...
The Cauchy remainder is a different form of the remainder term than the Lagrange remainder. The Cauchy remainder after n terms of the Taylor series for a function f(x) ...
A triangle and its polar triangle with respect to a conic are perspective.
