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671 - 680 of 1299 for Equivalent and non-equivalent fractionsSearch Results

A smooth manifold M=(M,g) is said to be semi-Riemannian if the indexMetric Tensor Index of g is nonzero. Alternatively, a smooth manifold is semi-Riemannian provided that it ...
The metric tensor g on a smooth manifold M=(M,g) is said to be semi-Riemannian if the index of g is nonzero. In nearly all literature, the term semi-Riemannian is used ...
A proper ideal I of a ring R is called semiprime if, whenever J^n subset I for an ideal J of R and some positive integer, then J subset I. In other words, the quotient ring ...
A Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero is called semisimple if its Killing form is nondegenerate. The following properties can be proved equivalent for a ...
A set S and a binary operator * are said to exhibit closure if applying the binary operator to two elements S returns a value which is itself a member of S. The closure of a ...
The set difference A\B is defined by A\B={x:x in A and x not in B}. Here, the backslash symbol is defined as Unicode U+2216. The set difference is therefore equivalent to the ...
Sigma is the eighteenth letter of the ancient Greek alphabet. As an upper case letter (Sigma), it is used as a symbol for sums and series. As a lower case letter (sigma) it ...
A polygon P is said to be simple (or a Jordan polygon) if the only points of the plane belonging to two polygon edges of P are the polygon vertices of P. Such a polygon has a ...
A simple polyhedron, also called a simplicial polyhedron, is a polyhedron that is topologically equivalent to a sphere (i.e., if it were inflated, it would produce a sphere) ...
Two or more lines which have no intersections but are not parallel, also called agonic lines. Since two lines in the plane must intersect or be parallel, skew lines can exist ...
