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The function f(beta,z)|->z^((1+cosbeta+isinbeta)/2), illustrated above for beta=0.4.
Any bivariate distribution function with marginal distribution functions F and G satisfies max{F(x)+G(y)-1,0}<=H(x,y)<=min{F(x),G(y)}.
An operator definition of a function. A Rodrigues formula may be converted into a Schläfli integral.
The word saltus has two different meanings: either a jump or an oscillation of a function.
The measurable space (S^',S^') into which a random variable from a probability space is a measurable function.
A function f(x) has a vertical tangent line at x_0 if f is continuous at x_0 and lim_(x->x_0)f^'(x)=+/-infty.
The point at which a curve or function crosses the x-axis (i.e., when y=0 in two dimensions).
The point at which a curve or function crosses the y-axis (i.e., when x=0 in two dimensions).
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, Y_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and K_nu(z) a modified Bessel function of the first kind. Then ...
A variation of the method of false position for finding roots which fits the function in question with an exponential.
