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The disdyakis triacontahedron is the dual polyhedron of the Archimedean great rhombicosidodecahedron A_2. It is also known as the hexakis icosahedron (Holden 1971, p. 55). It ...
The equilateral elongated square dipyramid, illustrated above together with its net, is Johnson solid J_(15). A version of the elongated square dipyramid that is "squashed" ...
The Goddard-Henning enneahedron, a term coined here, is the canonical polyhedron obtained from the Goddard-Henning graph. It has 9 vertices, 16 edges (consisting of 3 ...
A golden rhombohedron is a trigonal trapezohedron (and therefore rhombohedron with congruent rhombic faces) whose faces consist of six equal golden rhombi. There are two ...
A pentagonal pyramid is pyramid having a pentagonal base. The edge length e and slant height s of a pentagonal pyramid with regular base of side length a are given by e = ...
The pentakis dodecahedron is the 60-faced dual polyhedron of the truncated icosahedron A_(11) (Holden 1971, p. 55). It is Wenninger dual W_9. It can be constructed by ...
A polytope in four dimensions. Polychora are bounded by polyhedra.
A packing of polyhedron in three-dimensional space. A polyhedron which can pack with no holes or gaps is said to be a space-filling polyhedron. Betke and Henk (2000) present ...
A rounded rectangle is the shape obtained by taking the convex hull of four equal circles of radius r and placing their centers at the four corners of a rectangle with side ...
The locus of the similitude center of two circles.
