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181 - 190 of 479 for Computing with percentsSearch Results
The apodization function A(x)=1-(x^2)/(a^2). (1) Its full width at half maximum is sqrt(2)a. Its instrument function is I(k) = 2asqrt(2pi)(J_(3/2)(2pika))/((2pika)^(3/2)) (2) ...
Wolfram's iteration is an algorithm for computing the square root of a rational number 1<=r<4 using properties of the binary representation of r. The algorithm begins with ...
Given a positive nondecreasing sequence 0<lambda_1<=lambda_2<=..., the zeta-regularized product is defined by product_(n=1)^^^inftylambda_n=exp(-zeta_lambda^'(0)), where ...
A kit consisting of colored rods and slotted balls that can be used to construct three-dimensional configurations. The balls into which the rods are placed resemble an ...
About Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics
The q-analog of pi pi_q can be defined by setting a=0 in the q-factorial [a]_q!=1(1+q)(1+q+q^2)...(1+q+...+q^(a-1)) (1) to obtain ...
The arithmetic-geometric mean agm(a,b) of two numbers a and b (often also written AGM(a,b) or M(a,b)) is defined by starting with a_0=a and b_0=b, then iterating a_(n+1) = ...
Checkers is a two-player game with the most common variant played on an 8×8 checkerboard with each player starts with twelve pieces of a fixed color on opposite sites of the ...
The convex hull of a set of points S in n dimensions is the intersection of all convex sets containing S. For N points p_1, ..., p_N, the convex hull C is then given by the ...
Eigenvalues are a special set of scalars associated with a linear system of equations (i.e., a matrix equation) that are sometimes also known as characteristic roots, ...
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