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971 - 980 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
To solve the system of differential equations (dx)/(dt)=Ax(t)+p(t), (1) where A is a matrix and x and p are vectors, first consider the homogeneous case with p=0. The ...
If G is a weighted tree with weights w_i>1 assigned to each vertex v_i, then G is perfectly weighted if the matrix M_G=[w_1 0 ... 0; 0 w_2 ... 0; | ... ... |; 0 0 ... ...
Plancherel's theorem states that the integral of the squared modulus of a function is equal to the integral of the squared modulus of its spectrum. It corresponds to ...
The integral kernel in the Poisson integral, given by K(psi)=1/(2pi)(1-|z_0|^2)/(|z_0-e^(ipsi)|^2) (1) for the open unit disk D(0,1). Writing z_0=re^(itheta) and taking ...
The power tower of order k is defined as a^^k=a^(a^(·^(·^(·^a))))_()_(k), (1) where ^ is Knuth up-arrow notation (Knuth 1976), which in turn is defined by ...
The Racah W-coefficients, sometimes simply called the Racah coefficients (Shore and Menzel 1968, p. 279), are quantities introduced by Racah (1942) that are related to the ...
The nth roots of unity are roots e^(2piik/n) of the cyclotomic equation x^n=1, which are known as the de Moivre numbers. The notations zeta_k, epsilon_k, and epsilon_k, where ...
Given two functions f and g analytic in A with gamma a simple loop homotopic to a point in A, if |g(z)|<|f(z)| for all z on gamma, then f and f+g have the same number of ...
Let K subset= C be compact, let f be analytic on a neighborhood of K, and let P subset= C^*\K contain at least one point from each connected component of C^*\K. Then for any ...
A pathwise-connected domain is said to be simply connected (also called 1-connected) if any simple closed curve can be shrunk to a point continuously in the set. If the ...
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