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An attracting set that has zero measure in the embedding phase space and has fractal dimension. Trajectories within a strange attractor appear to skip around randomly. A ...
A vector bundle is special class of fiber bundle in which the fiber is a vector space V. Technically, a little more is required; namely, if f:E->B is a bundle with fiber R^n, ...
A random matrix is a matrix of given type and size whose entries consist of random numbers from some specified distribution. Random matrix theory is cited as one of the ...
The derivative of a function represents an infinitesimal change in the function with respect to one of its variables. The "simple" derivative of a function f with respect to ...
Dawson's integral (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, pp. 295 and 319), also sometimes called Dawson's function, is the entire function given by the integral F(x) = ...
The most general form of "an" exponential function is a power-law function of the form f(x)=ab^(cx+d), (1) where a, c, and d are real numbers, b is a positive real number, ...
The natural logarithm lnx is the logarithm having base e, where e=2.718281828.... (1) This function can be defined lnx=int_1^x(dt)/t (2) for x>0. This definition means that e ...
The Cantor function F(x) is the continuous but not absolutely continuous function on [0,1] which may be defined as follows. First, express x in ternary. If the resulting ...
A special case of Hölder's sum inequality with p=q=2, (sum_(k=1)^na_kb_k)^2<=(sum_(k=1)^na_k^2)(sum_(k=1)^nb_k^2), (1) where equality holds for a_k=cb_k. The inequality is ...
The curlicue fractal is a figure obtained by the following procedure. Let s be an irrational number. Begin with a line segment of unit length, which makes an angle phi_0=0 to ...
