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Dynamical Systems
Cauchy's integral formula states that f(z_0)=1/(2pii)∮_gamma(f(z)dz)/(z-z_0), (1) where the integral is a contour integral along the contour gamma enclosing the point z_0. It ...
If f(z) is analytic in some simply connected region R, then ∮_gammaf(z)dz=0 (1) for any closed contour gamma completely contained in R. Writing z as z=x+iy (2) and f(z) as ...
An algorithm originally described by Barnsley in 1988. Pick a point at random inside a regular n-gon. Then draw the next point a fraction r of the distance between it and a ...
Consider an arbitrary one-dimensional map x_(n+1)=F(x_n) (1) (with implicit parameter r) at the onset of chaos. After a suitable rescaling, the Feigenbaum function ...
There are at least three theorems known as Jensen's theorem. The first states that, for a fixed vector v=(v_1,...,v_m), the function |v|_p=(sum_(i=1)^m|v_i|^p)^(1/p) is a ...
A collection of identities which hold on a Kähler manifold, also called the Hodge identities. Let omega be a Kähler form, d=partial+partial^_ be the exterior derivative, ...
A dimension also called the fractal dimension, Hausdorff dimension, and Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension in which nonintegral values are permitted. Objects whose capacity ...
Let F be the Maclaurin series of a meromorphic function f with a finite or infinite number of poles at points z_k, indexed so that 0<|z_1|<=|z_2|<=|z_3|<=..., then a pole ...
Based on a problem in particle physics, Dyson (1962abc) conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent series product_(1<=i!=j<=n)(1-(x_i)/(x_j))^(a_i) is the multinomial ...
