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501 - 510 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results
A power is an exponent to which a given quantity is raised. The expression x^a is therefore known as "x to the ath power." A number of powers of x are plotted above (cf. ...
Let F(nu) and G(nu) be the Fourier transforms of f(t) and g(t), respectively. Then int_(-infty)^inftyf(t)g^_(t)dt ...
One of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and integer (or rational) root extraction.
The operation of subtraction, i.e., a minus b. The operation is denoted a-b. The minus sign "-" is also used to denote a negative number, i.e., -x.
The Dirichlet beta function is defined by the sum beta(x) = sum_(n=0)^(infty)(-1)^n(2n+1)^(-x) (1) = 2^(-x)Phi(-1,x,1/2), (2) where Phi(z,s,a) is the Lerch transcendent. The ...
Every semisimple Lie algebra g is classified by its Dynkin diagram. A Dynkin diagram is a graph with a few different kinds of possible edges. The connected components of the ...
The Epstein zeta function for a n×n matrix S of a positive definite real quadratic form and rho a complex variable with R[rho]>n/2 (where R[z] denotes the real part) is ...
A generalized continued fraction is an expression of the form b_0+(a_1)/(b_1+(a_2)/(b_2+(a_3)/(b_3+...))), (1) where the partial numerators a_1,a_2,... and partial ...
The Grassmannian Gr(n,k) is the set of k-dimensional subspaces in an n-dimensional vector space. For example, the set of lines Gr(n+1,1) is projective space. The real ...
The Jacobian conjecture in the plane, first stated by Keller (1939), states that given a ring map F of C[x,y] (the polynomial ring in two variables over the complex numbers ...
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