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271 - 280 of 446 for Carnot cycleSearch Results
Vince and Bóna (2012) define an assembly tree T for a connected simple graph G on n nodes as a binary rooted tree with n leavesTree Leaf and n-1 internal nodes and satisfying ...
What is the probability that a chord drawn at random on a circle of radius r (i.e., circle line picking) has length >=r (or sometimes greater than or equal to the side length ...
A chain complex is a sequence of maps ...-->^(partial_(i+1))C_i-->^(partial_i)C_(i-1)-->^(partial_(i-1))..., (1) where the spaces C_i may be Abelian groups or modules. The ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
A prime number p is called circular if it remains prime after any cyclic permutation of its digits. An example in base-10 is 1,193 because 1,931, 9,311, and 3,119 are all ...
A strongly regular graph with parameters (n,k,a,c) has graph eigenvalues k, theta, and tau, where theta = ((a-c)+sqrt(Delta))/2 (1) tau = ((a-c)-sqrt(Delta))/2 (2) where ...
A complete set of mutually conjugate group elements. Each element in a group belongs to exactly one class, and the identity element (I=1) is always in its own class. The ...
The connected domination number of a connected graph G, denoted d(G), is the size of a minimum connected dominating set of a graph G. The maximum leaf number l(G) and ...
The cyclotomic graph of order q with q a prime power is a graph on q nodes with two nodes adjacent if their difference is a cube in the finite field GF(q). This graph is ...
The term "Euler graph" is sometimes used to denote a graph for which all vertices are of even degree (e.g., Seshu and Reed 1961). Note that this definition is different from ...
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