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A real normed algebra, also called a composition algebra, is a multiplication * on R^n that respects the length of vectors, i.e., |x*y|=|x|*|y| for x,y in R^n. The only real ...
An ordered vector basisv_1,...,v_n for a finite-dimensional vector space V defines an orientation. Another basis w_i=Av_i gives the same orientation if the matrix A has a ...
A differential k-form is a tensor of tensor rank k that is antisymmetric under exchange of any pair of indices. The number of algebraically independent components in n ...
Exterior algebra is the algebra of the wedge product, also called an alternating algebra or Grassmann algebra. The study of exterior algebra is also called Ausdehnungslehre ...
The Grassmannian Gr(n,k) is the set of k-dimensional subspaces in an n-dimensional vector space. For example, the set of lines Gr(n+1,1) is projective space. The real ...
An attracting set that has zero measure in the embedding phase space and has fractal dimension. Trajectories within a strange attractor appear to skip around randomly. A ...
A differential equation or system of ordinary differential equations is said to be autonomous if it does not explicitly contain the independent variable (usually denoted t). ...
If the total group of the canonical series is divided into two parts, the difference between the number of points in each part and the double of the dimension of the complete ...
The Chern number is defined in terms of the Chern class of a manifold as follows. For any collection Chern classes such that their cup product has the same dimension as the ...
The dimension of a special series can never exceed half its order.
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