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161 - 170 of 343 for Box plotsSearch Results
In identical experiments, an Allais paradox occurs when the addition of an independent event influences choice behavior. Consider the choices in the following table (Kahneman ...
A McNugget number is a positive integer that can be obtained by adding together orders of McDonald's® Chicken McNuggetsTM (prior to consuming any), which originally came in ...
The Sierpiński carpet is the fractal illustrated above which may be constructed analogously to the Sierpiński sieve, but using squares instead of triangles. It can be ...
A way to display n variables on a two-dimensional surface. For instance, let x be eyebrow slant, y be eye size, z be nose length, etc. The above figures show faces produced ...
The grouping of data into bins (spaced apart by the so-called class interval) plotting the number of members in each bin versus the bin number. The above histogram shows the ...
An outlier is an observation that lies outside the overall pattern of a distribution (Moore and McCabe 1999). Usually, the presence of an outlier indicates some sort of ...
A chart made by plotting the numeric values of a set of quantities as a set of adjacent circular wedges with arc lengths proportional to the total amount. All wedges taken ...
A ternary diagram is a triangular diagram which displays the proportion of three variables that sum to a constant and which does so using barycentric coordinates. The ...
The mean line segment length l^_ is the average length of a line segment in line segment picking within some given shape. As summarized in the following table (where Delta(3) ...
Picking two independent sets of points x and y from a unit uniform distribution and placing them at coordinates (x,y) gives points uniformly distributed over the unit square. ...
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