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The arithmetic-geometric spectral radius rho_(AG) of a graph is defined as the largest eigenvalue of its arithmetic-geometric matrix.
The maximum number of disjoint dominating sets in a domatic partition of a graph G is called its domatic number d(G). The domatic number should not be confused with the ...
Given a set A, let N(A) be the set of neighbors of A. Then the bipartite graph G with bipartitions X and Y has a perfect matching iff |N(A)|>=|A| for all subsets A of X.
The neighborhood complex N(G) of a locally finite graph G is defined as the abstract simplicial complex formed by the subsets of the neighborhoods of all vertices of G.
The Randić spectral radius rho_(Randic) of a graph is defined as the largest eigenvalue of its Randić matrix.
The so-called reaching algorithm can solve the shortest path problem (i.e., the problem of finding the graph geodesic between two given nodes) on an m-edge graph in O(m) ...
An s-route of a graph G is a sequence of vertices (v_0,v_1,...,v_s) of G such that v_iv_(i+1) in E(G) for i=0, 1, ..., s-1 (where E(G) is the edge set of G) and ...
A local source is a node of a directed graph with no entering edges (Borowski and Borwein 1991, p. 401; left figure), and a global source (often simply called a source) is a ...
Iofinova and Ivanov (1985) showed that there exist exactly five bipartite cubic semisymmetric graphs whose automorphism groups preserves the bipartite parts and acts ...
If the Tutte polynomial T(x,y) of a graph G is given by sumt_(rs)x^ry^s, then the matrix (t_(rs)) is called the rank matrix of G. For example, the Tutte matrix of the ...
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