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531 - 540 of 13135 for Book GraphSearch Results
A graph is claw-free iff it does not contain the complete bipartite graph K_(1,3) (known as the "claw graph"; illustrated above) as a forbidden induced subgraph. The line ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...
The Goddard-Henning graph, illustrated above in several embeddings, is the 9-node planar graph of graph diameter 2 having domination number gamma=3. It was first constructed ...
A uniquely pancyclic graph is a graph that has exactly one cycle of each length between 3 and the graph's vertex count. Uniquely pancyclic graphs are therefore a special case ...
A two-graph (V,Delta) on nodes V is a collection Delta of unordered triples of the vertices (the so-called "odd triples") such that each 4-tuple of V contains an even number ...
A graph G is said to be disconnected if it is not connected, i.e., if there exist two nodes in G such that no path in G has those nodes as endpoints. The numbers of ...
A simple unlabeled graph on n vertices is called pancyclic if it contains cycles of all lengths, 3, 4, ..., n. Since a pancyclic graph must contain a cycle of length n, ...
A unigraphic graph (or simply a "unigraph") is a graph that is isomorphic to every graph having that degree sequence. All graphs on four are fewer vertices are unigraphic. ...
A quasi-cubic graph is a quasi-regular graph, i.e., a graph such that degree of every vertex is the same delta except for a single vertex whose degree is Delta=delta+1 ...
Let G be a simple graph with nonsingular (0,1) adjacency matrix A. If all the diagonal entries of the matrix inverse A^(-1) are zero and all the off-diagonal entries of ...
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