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A diagonal matrix is a square matrix A of the form a_(ij)=c_idelta_(ij), (1) where delta_(ij) is the Kronecker delta, c_i are constants, and i,j=1, 2, ..., n, with no implied ...
Consider an arbitrary one-dimensional map x_(n+1)=F(x_n) (1) (with implicit parameter r) at the onset of chaos. After a suitable rescaling, the Feigenbaum function ...
A bridge of a connected graph is a graph edge whose removal disconnects the graph (Chartrand 1985, p. 45; Skiena 1990, p. 177). More generally, a bridge is an edge of a ...
A group G is said to act on a set X when there is a map phi:G×X->X such that the following conditions hold for all elements x in X. 1. phi(e,x)=x where e is the identity ...
In statistical mechanics, the two-dimensional Ising model is a popular tool used to study the dipole moments of magnetic spins. The Ising model in two dimensions is a type of ...
The Jordan matrix decomposition is the decomposition of a square matrix M into the form M=SJS^(-1), (1) where M and J are similar matrices, J is a matrix of Jordan canonical ...
Define a = d(u,v)d(w,x) (1) b = d(u,w)d(v,x) (2) c = d(u,x)d(v,w), (3) where u, v, w, and x are vertices of a graph and d(i,j) is the graph distance between vertices i and j. ...
A composite number n is a positive integer n>1 which is not prime (i.e., which has factors other than 1 and itself). The first few composite numbers (sometimes called ...
The minimal polynomial of a matrix A is the monic polynomial in A of smallest degree n such that p(A)=sum_(i=0)^nc_iA^i=0. (1) The minimal polynomial divides any polynomial q ...
An outer-totalistic cellular automaton is a generalization of the totalistic cellular automaton. Totalistic rules are a proper superset of outer-totalistic rules. In ...
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