Search Results for "Beta Function"
2541 - 2550 of 3541 for Beta FunctionSearch Results

The inverse trigonometric functions are the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions, written cos^(-1)z, cot^(-1)z, csc^(-1)z, sec^(-1)z, sin^(-1)z, and tan^(-1)z. ...
A partition is a way of writing an integer n as a sum of positive integers where the order of the addends is not significant, possibly subject to one or more additional ...
The Radon transform is an integral transform whose inverse is used to reconstruct images from medical CT scans. A technique for using Radon transforms to reconstruct a map of ...
A rooted tree is a tree in which a special ("labeled") node is singled out. This node is called the "root" or (less commonly) "eve" of the tree. Rooted trees are equivalent ...
The nth subfactorial (also called the derangement number; Goulden and Jackson 1983, p. 48; Graham et al. 2003, p. 1050) is the number of permutations of n objects in which no ...
Watson (1939) considered the following three triple integrals, I_1 = 1/(pi^3)int_0^piint_0^piint_0^pi(dudvdw)/(1-cosucosvcosw) (1) = (4[K(1/2sqrt(2))]^2)/(pi^2) (2) = ...
A q-series is series involving coefficients of the form (a;q)_n = product_(k=0)^(n-1)(1-aq^k) (1) = product_(k=0)^(infty)((1-aq^k))/((1-aq^(k+n))) (2) = ...
An Abelian group is a group for which the elements commute (i.e., AB=BA for all elements A and B). Abelian groups therefore correspond to groups with symmetric multiplication ...
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are a set of orthogonal polynomials defined as the solutions to the Chebyshev differential equation and denoted T_n(x). They are ...
A mathematical procedure for finding the best-fitting curve to a given set of points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the offsets ("the residuals") of the points from ...