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201 - 210 of 387 for Add/subtract fractionsSearch Results
The Engel expansion, also called the Egyptian product, of a positive real number x is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
The Pierce expansion, or alternated Egyptian product, of a real number 0<x<1 is the unique increasing sequence {a_1,a_2,...} of positive integers a_i such that ...
Let t be a nonnegative integer and let x_1, ..., x_t be nonzero elements of Z_p which are not necessarily distinct. Then the number of elements of Z_p that can be written as ...
A shuffle in which cards from the top of the deck in the left hand are alternatively moved to the bottom and top of the deck in the right hand. If the deck is shuffled m ...
The Schnirelmann density of a set of nonnegative integers is the greatest lower bound of the fractions A(n)/n where A(n) is the number of terms in the set <=n.
For any real number r>=0, an irrational number alpha can be approximated by infinitely many rational fractions p/q in such a way that ...
An infinite sequence of positive integers a_i satisfying 1<=a_1<a_2<a_3<... (1) is an A-sequence if no a_k is the sum of two or more distinct earlier terms (Guy 1994). Such ...
Let B_k be the kth Bernoulli number and consider nB_(n-1)=-1 (mod n), where the residues of fractions are taken in the usual way so as to yield integers, for which the ...
Archimedes' axiom, also known as the continuity axiom or Archimedes' lemma, survives in the writings of Eudoxus (Boyer and Merzbach 1991), but the term was first coined by ...
An infinite sequence of positive integers 1<=b_1<b_2<b_3<..., (1) also called a Sidon sequence, such that all pairwise sums b_i+b_j (2) for i<=j are distinct (Guy 1994). An ...
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