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The quantities obtained from cubic, hexagonal, etc., lattice sums, evaluated at s=1, are called Madelung constants. For cubic lattice sums ...
Marion's theorem (Mathematics Teacher 1993, Maushard 1994, Morgan 1994) states that the area of the central hexagonal region determined by trisection of each side of a ...
The Meijer G-function is a very general function which reduces to simpler special functions in many common cases. The Meijer G-function is defined by (1) where Gamma(s) is ...
A vertex coloring is an assignment of labels or colors to each vertex of a graph such that no edge connects two identically colored vertices. A vertex coloring that minimize ...
Minkowski's question mark function is the function y=?(x) defined by Minkowski for the purpose of mapping the quadratic surds in the open interval (0,1) into the rational ...
By way of analogy with the prime counting function pi(x), the notation pi_(a,b)(x) denotes the number of primes of the form ak+b less than or equal to x (Shanks 1993, pp. ...
A Mycielski graph M_k of order k is a triangle-free graph with chromatic number k having the smallest possible number of vertices. For example, triangle-free graphs with ...
A nonhamiltonian graph is a graph that is not Hamiltonian. All disconnected graphs are therefore nonhamiltoinian, as are acylic graphs. Classes of connected graphs that are ...
For every dimension n>0, the orthogonal group O(n) is the group of n×n orthogonal matrices. These matrices form a group because they are closed under multiplication and ...
The Pell numbers are the numbers obtained by the U_ns in the Lucas sequence with P=2 and Q=-1. They correspond to the Pell polynomial P_n(x) and Fibonacci polynomial F_n(x) ...
